Just Play Snickers

Just Play

When you fancy a game, just play

The goal of the Just Play by England Football programme is recreational football at its best. It’s laid-back, inclusive, have-a-kickabout football for adults and those aged 16+. It’s jumpers for goalposts. It’s friendship and fitness. No hassle. No pressure. Just pure fun. The sessions can be futsal, turn up and play, walking football you name it!

To find your nearest Just Play session, use the Find Football or contact amy.richardson@durhamfa.com

Just Play sessions


Venue: Consett Leisure Centre, DH8 5HU

Organisation: Consett Blackfyne

Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm

Email: tim.camsell@gmail.com

Info: Walking Football Session


Venue: Bishop Auckland College, DL14 6JZ

Club: Bishop Auckland FC

Time: 7pm-8pm

Email: catherine.pearson@bishopafc.com

Info: Walking Football Session




Venue: Chester Le Street Town, DH2 3BX

Club: Chester Le Street Town

Time: 11am-12pm

Email: joeburlison1969@gmail.com

Info: Walking Football 


Venue: Barnard Castle Sports Centre, DL12 8DS

Club: Middleton Wanderers

Time: 7pm-8pm

Email: andymitchellmail@btinternet.com

Info: Walking Football 




Venue: Barnard Castle Sports Centre, DL12 8DS

Club: Middleton Wanderers

Time: 8pm-9pm

Email: andymitchellmail@btinternet.com

Info: Walking Football 




Venue: Chester Le Street Town, DH2 3BX

Club: Chester Le Street Town

Time: 11am-12pm

Email: joeburlison1969@gmail.com

Info: Walking Football 


Venue: Consett Leisure Centre, DH8 5HU

Organisation: Consett Blackfyne

Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm

Email: tim.camsell@gmail.com

Info: Walking Football


Venue: High Tunstall College, TS26 0LQ

Club: Hartlepool United FC

Time: 7pm-8pm

Email: Hutchinsonburton@hotmail.com

Info: Male Recreational - Turn Up and Play


Venue: Norton Sports Complex, TS20 1PE

Club: Hartlepool United FC

Time: 1:15pm-2:15pm

Email: Hutchinsonburton@hotmail.com

Info: Walking Football


Venue: Wearmouth Cricket Club, Thompson Rd, Southwick, Sunderland SR5 2SD

Time: 11am-12pm

Contact: Terry Crombie terencecrombie@mypostoffice.co.uk

Cost: Free

Additional Info: Mixed session ran in partnership with Change the Game Sunderland.



Venue: Washington Hub, NE37 3HR

Club: Washington Athletic YFC

Time: 7pm-8pm

Email: bainsimon@aol.com

Info: Walking Football



Venue: Beacon of Light, SR5 1SN

Club: Sunderland City Juniors

Time: 7pm-8pm

Email: davidnic15@hotmail.co.uk

Info: Male/mixed turn up and play



Venue: Wearmouth Cricket Club, Thompson Rd, Southwick, Sunderland SR5 2SD

Time: 11am-12pm

Contact: Terry Crombie terencecrombie@mypostoffice.co.uk

Cost: Free

Additional Info: Mixed session ran in partnership Change the Game Sunderland.



Venue: Beacon of Light

Club: Chapel of Light

Time: 1pm-2pm

Email: Frestie_ngongo@hotmail.com

Additional Info: Turn up and play