New changes in Data Protection Regulations were introduced to representatives of Durham County FA staff and affiliated leagues at a meeting held at the Associations Headquarters in Chester le Street, on Thursday 5th April 2018.
The Presentation was made by Stephanie Coulson, Associate Solicitor, Muckle LLP the company agreed by The Football Association to assist County FA’s, Leagues and Clubs regarding the regulation changes.
Stephanie gave an hour presentation which included why the changes are coming into effect from Friday 25th May 2018 and how they would have an impact on all especially those involved in football at grassroots level, the presentation was then followed up with a question and answer session.
Durham County FA Company Secretary, John Topping stated "I would like to thank Stephanie on behalf of the County FA and attendees for a very professional presentation which was very informative."
Leagues ranging from Step 5 of the National League System down to Youth football were in attendance and found the presentation very useful, with some positive feedback.