Durham FA County Leagues 2019-2020
From Season 2019-2020 Durham FA will continue to administer and deliver a number of Leagues within the County.
County Leagues Season 2019-2020
Under 11's, 13's, 14's, 15's, 16's, 17's & 18's SATURDAY Leagues
Under 13's, 14's, 15's, 16's, 17's & 18's SUNDAY Leagues
Under 23's & Women's Sunday Leagues
Development Football
Under 7's & Under 8's Futsal Festival
Applications are now being taken for all of the above Leagues and if you wish to enter a team or to find out more information please contact our County FA Leagues Officer, Mark Smith.
Get in touch
Mark Smith
County FA Leagues Officer
T: 0191 3872929 (Option 2, Option 2)
The appointing of Referees and communication from the League is excellent with clear, fair and prompt replies to queries.
As a coach and parent in youth football I can't hide the level of pleasure it is to play in your League this season . It's ran impeccably and I've failed to meet a coach disappointed in its entire structure.