Durham FA Youth Council Applications Now Open
Durham FA are looking to recruit a new cohort of Young Leaders to assemble the Youth Council for this season.
The aim of the Youth Council is to drive Durham FA’s work with Children and Young People, ensuring that their voices are heard and that Football works for them. The Youth Council will work with Children and Young People, partners, clubs and the education sector to ensure that as many people as possible have the chance to be heard.
The Youth Council will work with alongside with Durham FA staff to carry out research, gain experience in Football Development, run leadership programme events (such as training workshops and fundraising events) and promote the FA and Durham FA initiatives as ambassadors for the programme. The group will meet once a month, at Durham FA Headquarters with dates and times being arranged by the group.
There are 7 roles to apply for which is a great opportunity for 16-25 year olds to get involved and have a real impact on Grassroots Football within Durham County. For any Young Leader who is passionate about football, this is something for you.
Click here to apply to be a member of the Durham FA Youth Council
The deadline for applications is Friday 10th January at 5pm. Please note, no late applications will be accepted.
If you would like further details regarding the Youth Council, please contact Laura Pye on 01913872928 (opt 4 then opt 5) or Laura.Pye@DurhamFA.com