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Durham FA North East Premier Leagues Season 20-21

Durham FA North East Premier Youth Leagues

Durham FA North East Premier Youth Leagues - Season 2020-2021

Over the past seasons it has been noted that there has been a drop off regarding players at under 13’s, under 14’s and under 15’s and one of the reasons stated is that after players are released from academies etc they drop back into youth football and this effects the ability levels of teams.

With this in mind the Durham County FA have decided to administer a division at these age groups for higher ability players.

For those teams interested in applying the closing date for entry is Friday 20th March 2020 following which a meeting for all teams will be arranged.

To apply please complete the online application form here.

Get in touch

Mark Smith

Mark Smith
County FA Leagues Officer

T: 0191 3872929 (Option 2, Option 2)
