Coach Development Overview
Durham County Football Association have a tradition of providing Coach Development opportunities for coaches across County Durham. We are passionate about developing and growing the opportunities available for coaches and clubs to engage with, enhancing coaches knowledge and practical application. We are committed to offering quality, variety and accessibility to learning.
The Coach Development Programme provides opportunities for all coaches, regardless of their level of qualification; with some more targeted events. These events will be open for coaches working across the Foundation Phase, Youth Development Phase and Senior Football.
The various opportunities on offer will be delivered by our internal UEFA A Licenced Durham CFA Coach Developers; Lead Coaches at Sunderland AFC Academy; England Learning Coach Developers; Specialist Coaches; and Expert Practitioners.
Over recent seasons, we have delivered hundreds of workshops which have engaged thousands of coaches, with the aiming of developing better coaches, to therefore develop better players.
Coach Development is essential for everyone working in the game, regardless of knowledge, experience and qualifications.
Why is Coach Development / Continued Professional Development important?
Coaching, as both a vocation and a profession, never stands still. It’s always evolving and always seeking out the newest innovations, emerging trends and latest best practice.
This is where CPD comes in. The events on offer are not only crucial in exposing you as a coach to up-to-date thinking and methods, but they’ll also give you the skills needed to create and sustain modern learning environments for your players.
Richard Shuffleton
Coach Development (Coach Developer)
T: 0191 3872928 (Option 4, Option 5)